Astrology | Mars-Saturn, angry and hard times

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

Mars and Saturn Retrograde are squaring off August 24 ay 26+ degrees


these two malefics would make a great violent film pitch for a film based on astrology.

This is very hard energy from the 2 difficult planets in their own home signs where they are strongest.

Mars is energy action ignition ANGER and SATURN is hard restrictions limitations. 

IN THE NEWS An innocent black man was just shot in the back 7 times in Wisconsin he was unarmed, in his car in from of his kids. This is MARS SATURN in Action. BLM.

At 26 degrees ARIES/ CAPRICORN if you are an ARIES, CAPRICORN, CANCER or LIBRAwith planets at 20-30 degrees of the CARDINAL signs you get the full-throttle impact,

Also, SCORPIO’s too,  as MARS is your ruling Planet- ditto

As SATURN is RETROGRADE we are going back over BIG DADDY issues. Past…

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