How To Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities are said to be innate in all of us. There are natural feelers, healers, and seers among us who only need awakening and constant practice to fully develop their extra-mundane abilities.  Interested in honing your psychic skills?  Inquire here at The Halau!

What is the Aloha Spirit? It’s you!

I love that you can drink of such an emotional and intellectual connection to what you read, doing so in a way that comes from inside you. Think about it: someone else wrote the words, and they aren’t reading them to you. You can’t hear the emotion in their voice, or see it in their expression. You have only the words to draw from: their words, but your meaning for them regardless of the writer’s intent. The emotional connection comes from inside you, and your mana‘o (your beliefs and convictions), not from the writer. You employ the value of NĀNĀ I KE KUMU when you read: You look to your source, and you find your truth….

Source: What is the Aloha Spirit? It’s you!

About The Upcoming Solar Eclipse – August 21, 2017

Get the Most out of the Upcoming Eclipse

Celestial eclipses have always generated a lot of interest over the course of history. There are a lot of ideas about how an eclipse might affect the human body and mind. At the very least, it is quite noticeable and we become acutely aware of our environment for a brief time.

A total solar eclipse will occur on Monday, August 21, 2017. The event has been described as the “Great American Eclipse” as it will be visible in totality only within a band across the entire contiguous United States.

The so-called Great American Total Solar Eclipse will darken skies all the way from Oregon to South Carolina, along a stretch of land about 70 miles (113 kilometers) wide. People who find themselves in this “path of totality” for the big event are in for an unforgettable experience.

According to yoga and Ayurveda, lunar and solar eclipses are very significant. During an eclipse is an especially fruitful time for mediation, mantra and spiritual practices. Many recommendations apply including eating light and not traveling during the eclipse. Potent energy surrounds the time of the eclipse for 2-3 days before and after. Emotions can be heightened, and you may be prone to mistakes in judgment.

About Sirius, The Dog Star – by Jonny Enoch

ESOTERIC ETYMOLOGY & THE DOG STAR:  The origins of “Sir” according to Jordan Maxwell are rooted in ancient mysticism. Most will trace the word back to “Sire” or “Senior”. Jordan tells me this kingly title was originally based on the dog star, Sirius. But if you look up what modern etymologists say, they link it to the Greek “Seirios” meaning “scorcher”, and the Egyptian “Sothis” (the daughter of Osiris). A few years ago I was walking at night under the stars with Jordan in the desert. We looked up to the right of us and saw Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. He said, “do you know the real reason why people call each other Sir? It comes from the Egyptian god O-SIR-is, which is where you get the name Sirius, the dog star. In fact, in the article below you will read that Osiris has been connected to Sirius (“As-Ar”) since pre-dynastic times with the Osireon cults at Abydos. This is why we say something is “serious” when discussing anything important. Moreover, dog is God spelled backwards (the dog star) and is why you have DOGMA. Also, Jordan went on to tell me that when you hear someone say they are “falling in love”, or they are a “fell-ow” that comes from the “sons of god” or “fallen angels” in the biblical text that laid with the daughter’s of men.

The Osiris & Sirius connection: 

Author:  Jonny Enoch

2,000-Year-Old Toddler Skeleton with Elongated Skull Unearthed in Crimea | Ancient Origins


The remains of a 1.5-year-old boy with a pronounced elongation of the skull have been found by archaeologists at a 2,000-year-old burial site in Crimea.  Russian archaeologists say that the skull deformation indicates that this boy was marked out to be a warrior….

#archaeology #elongatedskull #aliens

Source: 2,000-Year-Old Toddler Skeleton with Elongated Skull Unearthed in Crimea | Ancient Origins

Random Thoughts …

A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability to begin a new pattern, to tell a New story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction.

The Universe is responding to your vibration, and you can easily change your vibrational point of attraction by visualising the life you desire and holding your attention upon those feelings and images until you begin to feel relief, which will indicate that a true vibrational shift has occurred.

—Abraham Hicks

Melchizadek Consciousness …

Perception is awareness shaped by belief. Beliefs control perception. Rewrite beliefs and you rewrite perception. Rewrite perception and you rewrite genes and behavior. I am free to change how I respond to the world … so as I change how I see the world, I change my genetic expression. We are not victims of our genes: we are masters of our genetics.
— Bruce Lipton, M.D.

The Drop: Learn It – Love It – Claim It, by Tom Kitt

I seem to be a brief light that flashes but once in all the aeons of time.” he observes, “a rare, complicated and all-too-delicate organism on the fringe of biological evolution, where the wave of life bursts into individual sparkling, and multicolored drops that gleam for a moment only to vanish forever. Under such conditioning it seems impossible and even absurd to realize that myself does not reside in the drop alone, but in the whole surge of energy which ranges from the galaxies to the nuclear fields in my body. At this level of existence ‘I’ am immeasurably old; my forms are infinite and their comings and goings are simply the pulses or vibrations of a single or eternal flow of energy. (Alan Watts)

A drop in the ocean is the ocean in a drop:

Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (April 23, 1858 – October 4, 1947) was a German physicist who is widely regarded as one of the most significant scientists in history. He developed a simple but revolutionary concept that was to become the foundation of a new way of looking at the world, called quantum theory.  In 1900, to solve a vexing problem concerning the radiation emitted by a glowing body, he introduced the radical view that energy is transmitted not in the form of an unbroken (infinitely subdivisible) continuum, but in discrete, particle-like units. He called each such unit a quantum (the plural form being quanta). This concept was not immediately accepted by physicists, but it ultimately changed the very foundations of physics. Planck himself did not quite believe in the reality of this concept—he considered it a mathematical construct. In 1905, Albert Einstein used that concept to explain the photoelectric effect, and in 1913, Niels Bohr used the same idea to explain the structures of atoms. From then on, Planck’s idea became central to all of physics. He received the Nobel Prize in 1918, and both Einstein and Bohr received the prize a few years later.

The things that work best in life are those that are already working in any case and Max Planck hit the nail on the head with the quantum package, but, as usual, its discovery began a gold-rush leaving its higher truth in shadow. This is not coincidence. LIFE began when the least possible resistance caused eternal stillness to spark (move). The force of eternity is limitless and so, for the least possible amount of time the infinite power of eternity came alive. This is the quantum packet; it is all there is and it continues to repeat until the resistance that caused it is solved (ref: Ohm’s law and Laws of Thermodynamics).

A closer look:

The quantum package is the least movement through the ultimate force-field. The ‘spark’ continues to repeat and the repetition causes release of a secondary stream of energy. This is the way of all electrical generators except the generator in question contains the electrical capacity of the universe; as the quantum turns through its force-field the universe emerges.

Time and resistance:

Each repetition of the universal dynamo is the same (undiminished) quantity of energy going in and out of eternity – in and out of time. As the cycle continues it builds secondary resistance which opens a window of opportunity that enables time for it (the packet) to open without compromising its eternal status. We exist within the window of opportunity produced by secondary resistance. We go out to gather back – we participate in resistance so that we may gain the wherewithal to guide it home. But, before we may realistically begin to reap the harvest we must understand our position in the ‘life’ mechanism. We must, at the onset, recognize our secondary position and direct our enquiry from this awareness.

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.  ~ Max Planck

In 1900, Max Planck opened an important door but still we have not progressed beyond the idea of the universe as an ‘unbroken continuum’ (Big Bang). The quantum packet means that the universe is constantly and radically disappearing and reappearing and doing so in the least possible amount of time. In 1905 Albert Einstein with Maleva Maric opened the door to understanding the mechanics of radical disappearance but again we tamed it to our need and shelved its insight. Today, over 100 years later, in spite of technological advances there are few that can explain Special Relativity or Planck’s Constant and fewer still that can relate either to the divine principle of eternal recurrence that they point to.

“No one understands quantum physics.”  ~ Richard Feynman

We develop technologies to the detriment of wisdom. We avoid responsibility to our divine prerogative and if we do not soon learn to properly use the precious information available to us our current momentum will end in extinction. The universe will fold in on itself and life as we know it will end. But, nothing goes away, nothing can go away, this is the law of laws. We are here until we figure it out and the pain is very real.

“It is only when we realize that life is taking us nowhere that it begins to have meaning.”  ~ P. D. Ouspensky