Tarot Contemplation – Five of Cups

The loss suffered is of something dear to the heart, whether a relationship, a loved possession or a cherished dream.  It may be a loss voluntarily taken, but that doesn’t make it any less painful. Whatever loss or disappointment you’ve experienced lately deserves to be felt.  When you take the time to really feel your feelings, you can process them, learn from them, and then move forward with greater self-awareness and wisdom.  The lesson to be learned here is that with loss also comes change, and with change, opportunity.  We can avoid loss if we avoid pursuing our heart’s desire, but if we have the courage to risk loss we may also gain true fulfillment.

About Sirius, The Dog Star – by Jonny Enoch

ESOTERIC ETYMOLOGY & THE DOG STAR:  The origins of “Sir” according to Jordan Maxwell are rooted in ancient mysticism. Most will trace the word back to “Sire” or “Senior”. Jordan tells me this kingly title was originally based on the dog star, Sirius. But if you look up what modern etymologists say, they link it to the Greek “Seirios” meaning “scorcher”, and the Egyptian “Sothis” (the daughter of Osiris). A few years ago I was walking at night under the stars with Jordan in the desert. We looked up to the right of us and saw Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. He said, “do you know the real reason why people call each other Sir? It comes from the Egyptian god O-SIR-is, which is where you get the name Sirius, the dog star. In fact, in the article below you will read that Osiris has been connected to Sirius (“As-Ar”) since pre-dynastic times with the Osireon cults at Abydos. This is why we say something is “serious” when discussing anything important. Moreover, dog is God spelled backwards (the dog star) and is why you have DOGMA. Also, Jordan went on to tell me that when you hear someone say they are “falling in love”, or they are a “fell-ow” that comes from the “sons of god” or “fallen angels” in the biblical text that laid with the daughter’s of men.

The Osiris & Sirius connection: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/universo/siriusmystery/siriusmystery03.htm 

Author:  Jonny Enoch

This Is The Correct Way To Use Baking Soda To Remove Fat From The Belly, Thighs, Arms and Back

This health drink will help you burn fat from your problem areas. Baking soda is a very powerful alkaline and can help the body in more ways than one. The importance of keeping the body in an alkaline state has recently been recognized, as it helps protect the body from developing serious illnesses such as […]

Source: This Is The Correct Way To Use Baking Soda To Remove Fat From The Belly, Thighs, Arms and Back

2,000-Year-Old Toddler Skeleton with Elongated Skull Unearthed in Crimea | Ancient Origins


The remains of a 1.5-year-old boy with a pronounced elongation of the skull have been found by archaeologists at a 2,000-year-old burial site in Crimea.  Russian archaeologists say that the skull deformation indicates that this boy was marked out to be a warrior….

#archaeology #elongatedskull #aliens

Source: 2,000-Year-Old Toddler Skeleton with Elongated Skull Unearthed in Crimea | Ancient Origins

Tarot Contemplation – Six of Swords

You don’t have to do everything yourself today.  You are not alone; there are people that care about you.  You are moving away, or planning to move away, from psychological pain or confusion.  Perhaps you are moving away from something destructive, such as ending an abusive relationship or moving away from friends who enable abusive behavior.  You may be going away on a trip (especially over water) to gain a new perspective on a difficult situation.  Reach out and ask for help.  It’s amazing how comforting a little support can feel.  You are gaining psychological distance from trouble by exploring your subconscious or gaining distance from the situation to get a wider perspective.  This is a time for transition and change is often difficult.  Once you make it to the other side, however, you will feel great relief thinking of what you have left behind.

Daily Words of the Buddha for July 29, 2017

Pāli Word a Day for July 29, 2017 — anāsava — free from the four intoxications

Na jaccā vasalo hoti
na jaccā hoti brāhmaṇo.
Kammunā vasalo hoti,
kammunā hoti brāhmaṇo

One is not low because of birth
nor does birth make one holy.
Deeds alone make one low,
deeds alone make one holy.

Sutta Nipāta 1.136
Gemstones of the Good Dhamma, compiled and translated by Ven. S. Dhammika

Tarot Contemplation – Nine of Pentacles

You’re looking good today because you’ve worked hard and can now enjoy the fruits of your labor.  You’ve been all about self-discipline and you’ve succeeded in taming your impulses … like you’ve tamed that wild bird on your arm … meaning, you’ve accomplished much in taming your animal impulses.  Now, you’re craving a bit of independence.  Today, reward yourself for all the good, hard work you’ve done lately.  Be proud of what you’ve accomplished and treat yourself well!  Pamper yourself.  Take yourself out on a date!   By making the effort to celebrate now, you’ll be reinforcing your good work and replenishing your energy for even more success in the future.

Cancer, Coverups and Contamination: The Real Cost of Nuclear Energy | Wake Up World

As a former employee of two US national nuclear labs, NO, I am NOT an advocate of nuclear power. Although it is touted as a clean and inexpensive form of energy, nuclear power is a very expensive form of energy, when one considers the financial costs, the impacts to public and environmental health – and the cost of truth, which is routinely and unscientifically sacrificed by biased industry operators and regulators….

By Contributing Writers Andreas Toupadakis, Ph.D and Andy Whiteley

Source: Cancer, Coverups and Contamination: The Real Cost of Nuclear Energy | Wake Up World

Tarot Contemplation – The Fool

Anything is possible today!  Open your mind.  Say, “Yes!”  Don’t make all the decisions about your path, or make assumptions about how it’ll be before you embark.  Stay open to surprises and unexpected opportunities.  Anything could happen if you leave room for possibilities.   You’re only limited by your own doubts and fears.  So, today, shake away your worries and take a chance. Trust in the Universe to keep you safe, then take the leap into the unknown … It’s time for a new adventure!

Random Thoughts …

A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability to begin a new pattern, to tell a New story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction.

The Universe is responding to your vibration, and you can easily change your vibrational point of attraction by visualising the life you desire and holding your attention upon those feelings and images until you begin to feel relief, which will indicate that a true vibrational shift has occurred.

—Abraham Hicks

Natural Remedy To Strengthen The Body Health And To Avoid Respiratory Problems

Natural Remedy To Strengthen The Body Health And To Avoid Respiratory Problems

Due to the demands of modern times, most people do not take care of their body and respiratory problems properly. Thus, we are surrounded by people who follow an unhealthy diet, do not perform physical activity and are affected by stress….

Source: Natural Remedy To Strengthen The Body Health And To Avoid Respiratory Problems

This Miraculous Plant Heals Bone Fractures And Causes Many Disease – Recipe

This Miraculous Plant Heals Bone Fractures And Causes Many Disease – Recipe

Since ancient times, people have been using this herb in the preparation of home remedies in order to treat numerous different ailments.

Source: This Miraculous Plant Heals Bone Fractures And Causes Many Disease – Recipe

Why are Hemp Seeds Essential for Health? Health Benefits and Delicious Recipes | Wake Up World

Hemp is one of the most versatile plants on the planet. It is an amazing gift of nature, can produce high quality clothing, textiles, paper, food and while we’re at it – you can even build a house with it! As a bonus, it is also naturally resistant to pests, so it doesn’t require harmful pesticides even when grown on a commercial scale. As a food, hemp seeds have an abundance of health benefits.

This article explores why we should most certainly be embracing this incredible super-food.

By Contributing Writer – Trinity Bourne

Source: Why are Hemp Seeds Essential for Health? Health Benefits and Delicious Recipes | Wake Up World

Aloha is …

‘Aloha’ was a recognition of life in another. If there was life there was mana, goodness and wisdom, and if there was goodness and wisdom there was a god-quality. One had to recognize the ‘god of life’ in another before saying ‘Aloha,’ but this was easy. Life was everywhere … Aloha had its own mana. It never left the giver but flowed freely and continuously between giver and receiver. ‘Aloha’ could not be thoughtlessly or indiscriminately spoken, for it carried its own power. No Hawaiian could greet another with ‘Aloha’ unless he felt it in his own heart. If he felt anger or hate in his heart he had to cleanse himself before he said ‘Aloha’.

– Queen Lili’uokalani

Daily Words of the Buddha for July 27, 2017

Pāli Word a Day for July 27, 2017 — ābhāsa — light, radiance; appearance

Sabbe tasanti daṇḍassa.
Sabbesaṃ jīvitaṃ piyaṃ.
Attānaṃ upamaṃ katvā;
na haneyya na ghātaye.

All tremble at punishment.
Life is dear to all.
Put yourself in the place of others;
kill none nor have another killed.

Dhammapada 10.130
Gemstones of the Good Dhamma, compiled and translated by Ven. S. Dhammika