KUNDALINI YOGA! Join Us for the Next Spirit Voyage 40-Day Global Sadhana — August 2 – September 10, 2016 — With Jai-Jagdeesh

Jai-Jagdeesh invites you to join her as she leads the upcoming Spirit Voyage 40-Day Global Sadhana! Join a global community of yogis as we drop the fear that holds us back and move fully into the present moment, confident in ourselves and with total trust in the Universe to provide all that we need.

“When fear and insecurity leave you, truth and spirit will be with you.” ~Yogi Bhajan

Removing Fear Of The Future (Dhan Dhan)

This meditation takes away your fears of the future, which have been created by subconscious memories of the past. It will command you to deal with your heart center. This Sikh shabd (prayer) from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is in praise of Guru Ram Das, the 4th teacher in the Sikh lineage. A deeply devoted, compassionate, and loving being, Guru Ram Das gave of himself to all who were in need. Through his humble and devoted service to humanity, he became a light worker, a miracle worker. The gift of this shabad is its ability to bring miracles into your life.

Complete Mantra & Translation:

Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur
Blessed, blessed, Guru Ram Das

Jin Siri-aa Tinai Savaari-aa
The One who created You has also exalted You

Pooree Hoee Karaamaat
Perfect is Your miracle

Aap Sirajanhaarai Dhaari-aa
The Creator has installed You on a throne

Sikhee Atai Sangatee
Sikhs, as well as the Sangat (people of consciousness)

Paarbrahm Kar Namasakaari-aa
They recognize You because you manifest the Creator

Atal Athaa-o Atol Too
You are unchanging, unfathomable, and immeasurable

Tayraa Ant Na Paaraavaari-aa
You have no end, no limitation

Jinee Too Sayvi-aa Bhaa-o Kar
Those who serve You with love

Say Tudh Paar Utaari-aa
They are lifted & carried across the sea of existence

Lab Lobh Kaam Krodh Mo
The five obstacles of lust, anger, greed, pride and attachment

Maar Kadhay Tudh Saparvaari-aa
You have overcome them and driven them away

Dhan So Tayraa Thaan Hai
Blessed is Your realm

Sach Tayraa Paisakaari-aa
And True is Your magnificent glory

Naanak Too Lehnaa Toohai
You are Nanak, You are Angad

Gur Amar Too Veechaari-aa
And You are Amar Daas

Gur Dithaa Taa Man Saadhaari-aa
When I recognize You, my soul is comforted

Meditation Instructions:

Sit comfortably in easy pose. Rest the back of the left hand in the palm of the right hand. The right thumb nestles in the palm of the left hand, and the left thumb crosses it. The fingers of the right hand curve around the outside of the left hand and hold it gently. Put this mudra (hand position) at your heart center, with the palm side resting against your chest. Close the eyes.

Not specified, you may choose to gently close them for this practice.

Meditate silently with the Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur shabd, receiving its very sacred sound current.

Begin with as little as 3 minutes or as much as 11 minutes. Slowly and gradually work up to 31 minutes of practice time, which is the daily maximum for this meditation.

To End
Inhale deeply and relax.

Jai-Jagdeesh guides us through the instructions for the upcoming Spirit Voyage 40 Day Global Sadhana: Removing Fear Of The Future with the Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur shabad.

We begin August 2, 2016. Join a global community of yogis as we drop the fear that holds us back and move fully into the present moment, confident in ourselves and with total trust in the Universe to provide all that we need.

Tarot Contemplation – Knight of Pentacles


Today’s messages are mainly about money and finance.  You are likely to finally receive news that you’ve been waiting on, and that news is likely to be good.  However, this is a “practical” kind of good, so no, it’s unlikely that you’ve won on the lottery.  Pay attention to the mundane and normal parts of your life.  A wise man once said to “take care of the little things and the big things will all fall into place.”  Look at how you are handling your affairs and ask yourself whether these matters are a grounding influence.  Now is not the time to suggest an overthrow of traditional ways of doing things.  You must work within existing systems and accomplish what people expect you to accomplish.  If you are looking for work, this can be a good omen that the position you need is forthcoming.  In your interviews, be sure to come across as dependable and even-keeled, as prospective employers are not looking for mavericks at this time.  Money will be coming in very soon and could come from anywhere … a raise, a lottery win, an inheritance … quite literally, anything from anywhere.  Regardless, keep your nose to the grindstone and don’t bet more than you can afford to lose.  You may find yourself spiritually overwhelmed, potentially with no obvious reason.  Try to break down these feelings into manageable chunks.  No need to tackle everything in one sitting.  You are in the midst of spiritual change when this happens:  see that you change for the better.

Tarot Contemplation – The Hermit


The Hermit is all about spirituality, and is related to institutions and large organizations … everything from a bank to an entire Christian Church.  The focus is Spirituality, even if you are an atheist:  it defines “spirit” in whatever sense it makes to you, even if that idea equates to “emotion”.  You might be trying hard to figure out what the truth is about someone (or some matter), but don’t feel that you have to do it all on your own.  Ask for help if you need to gain different perspectives, more information and the like.  Just like the Strength card, you may even more so be in the frame of mind that you need some time alone.  Don’t be afraid to take it.  Even if it’s just a five-minute walk around the house to clear your head.  The energies today are very much about trying very hard to do the right thing.  Just make sure that doing the right thing includes doing what is right for you personally, and not just worrying about the wants and needs of others.  (Remember the Queen of Pentacles message yesterday?)  It is very likely that a person will come into your life who is like a mentor or teacher, even if they do not “teach” you directly.  You will still learn from them on several levels.  Honor the need that you may be having to withdraw to a degree from ordinary life.  It won’t be forever.  Soon, you’ll feel more social again, so don’t push yourself now to be around a lot of people, unless it’s absolutely necessary.  You will likely emerge feeling refreshed and renewed after your spiritual respite.

Ritual Meditation Practice – with Jai Jagdeesh

Join Us for the Next Spirit Voyage 40-Day Global Sadhana
August 2 – September 10, 2016
With Jai-Jagdeesh
Jai-Jagdeesh invites you to join her as she leads the upcoming Spirit Voyage 40-Day Global Sadhana! Join a global community of yogis as we drop the fear that holds us back and move fully into the present moment, confident in ourselves and with total trust in the Universe to provide all that we need.
“When fear and insecurity leave you, truth and spirit will be with you.” ~Yogi Bhajan
Removing Fear Of The Future (Dhan Dhan)
This meditation takes away your fears of the future, which have been created by subconscious memories of the past. It will command you to deal with your heart center. This Sikh shabd (prayer) from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is in praise of Guru Ram Das, the 4th teacher in the Sikh lineage. A deeply devoted, compassionate, and loving being, Guru Ram Das gave of himself to all who were in need. Through his humble and devoted service to humanity, he became a light worker, a miracle worker. The gift of this shabd is its ability to bring miracles into your life.
Complete Mantra & Translation
Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur
Blessed, blessed, Guru Ram Das
Jin Siri-aa Tinai Savaari-aa
The One who created You has also exalted You
Pooree Hoee Karaamaat
Perfect is Your miracle
Aap Sirajanhaarai Dhaari-aa
The Creator has installed You on a throne
Sikhee Atai Sangatee
Sikhs, as well as the Sangat (people of consciousness)
Paarbrahm Kar Namasakaari-aa
They recognize You because you manifest the Creator
Atal Athaa-o Atol Too
You are unchanging, unfathomable, and immeasurable
Tayraa Ant Na Paaraavaari-aa
You have no end, no limitation
Jinee Too Sayvi-aa Bhaa-o Kar
Those who serve You with love
Say Tudh Paar Utaari-aa
They are lifted & carried across the sea of existence
Lab Lobh Kaam Krodh Mo
The five obstacles of lust, anger, greed, pride and attachment
Maar Kadhay Tudh Saparvaari-aa
You have overcome them and driven them away
Dhan So Tayraa Thaan Hai
Blessed is Your realm
Sach Tayraa Paisakaari-aa
And True is Your magnificent glory
Naanak Too Lehnaa Toohai
You are Nanak, You are Angad
Gur Amar Too Veechaari-aa
And You are Amar Daas
Gur Dithaa Taa Man Saadhaari-aa
When I recognize You, my soul is comforted
Meditation Instructions
Sit comfortably in easy pose. Rest the back of the left hand in the palm of the right hand. The right thumb nestles in the palm of the left hand, and the left thumb crosses it. The fingers of the right hand curve around the outside of the left hand and hold it gently. Put this mudra (hand position) at your heart center, with the palm side resting against your chest. Close the eyes.
Not specified, you may choose to gently close them for this practice.
Meditate silently with the Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur shabd, receiving its very sacred sound current.
Begin with as little as 3 minutes or as much as 11 minutes. Slowly and gradually work up to 31 minutes of practice time, which is the daily maximum for this meditation.
To End
Inhale deeply and relax.
Yogi Tips
For this Global Sadhana, we have created 2 versions of Dhan Dhan to serve you.
If you would like to practice for the full 31 minutes, please select Track #2: The Miracle of Surrender (Dhan Dhan).
If you would like to practice for 11 minutes and build up to 31 minutes, please select Track #5: The Miracle of Surrender (Dhan Dhan: 11 Minute Digital Only Bonus Track).

A mad, mad world (literally)

The Mana'o Blog

The world that seems mad_ManaO.jpg

The world seems like it is pissed off….that’s because it is.

“…their tears are filling up their glasses…” (Tears for Fears, Mad World)

I had a horrible nightmare.

It could not have lasted very long, given the time that I fell asleep, to the time that I was jarred from the…very tumultuous slumber…that I’d barely been able to grasp onto, given where it is that I lay my head at night.

I say a whole lot about symbolism, about how it is that these things play out in the manner that they play out, whether it is in dreaming or wakefulness. When we dream, we are being told something by our Higher Selves. When I was told, through that dream, the message that I had received at that time, I panicked, because the last thing that I ever like to know, let alone do, is hurt someone who I care…

View original post 2,752 more words

Tarot Contemplation – Queen of Pentacles


This card might represent a woman with dark hair and dark eyes … and if not a literal woman, then an energy that is archtypically feminine, exuding feelings of hearth, home and motherhood.  You will be spending time, money and energy on your home, getting it to be more comfortable.  This is a good thing provided you don’t go overboard and overspend.  People will be looking to you for insight and/or advice.  You will be able to help them, if you are so inclined.  This is a time period when you can get a lot accomplished.  At work, you are likely to make great headway now.  A woman with dark hair and/or eyes may play a significant role in your working life.  If so, know that she is an ally for you.  If possible, bring items from your home life into your work situation.  This will help you to feel more “at home” at your workplace and will likely make you more effective.  This very feminine card points to strategy in love, particularly for those who are not currently involved with anyone.  This strategy to find love is the stereotypical feminine one.  Don’t chase it.  Make yourself available, but do not be desperate to bring someone new into your romantic life.  When the time is right, that will be made abundantly clear to you.  You won’t have to do anything.  Be upbeat and know that you have many things in you which are worth loving.  The Queen of Pentacles is an excellent omen when it comes to money.  Your prosperity level is very likely to be increasing.  Saving is important, but enjoying your life when you have the means to do so is also important.  Share what you have when you can.  With your health, however, you may need to create time and space to focus on yourself first in order for your health to improve.  If you are constantly putting everyone before you and before your needs, then your health may suffer as a result.  Balance in all things is important.  You are just as important as anyone else.  It is critical that you trust yourself.  You may not see things spiritually the way everyone else does, but your belief system works for you, and that’s most important.  If others don’t understand your decisions, that’s their problem.

Tarot Contemplation – Ace of Cups


This is a powerfully positive omen relating to love, happiness and affection.  Like all aces, it is about new beginnings.  Although this card usually means love, it can also indicate new beginnings in other areas of life.  Things are looking up!  Generally, people will respond to you with happiness, love and good will, and more so than usual in the near future.  Life feels good!  This is a great time to make new friends.  Financial possibilities abound in the context of encountering “something new” … a new job, a monetary gift like a bonus and the like.  There is a need for you to “give back” spiritually … giving back some of the love you’ve been blessed with in life and/or that you are experiencing now.  Your connection to the Divine is strong now.  Meditate on the idea that you are a beloved child of the Universe and feel the support that comes to you from the Other Side.  It’s always there:  all you need do is look for it.

Tarot Contemplation – Page of Pentacles


Ah, the indolent days of Summer.  Feeling a little bored?  You may be tempted to say or do things to shake things and people up just for a little excitement.  Rethink this impulse and find a better use of your energy.  Excitement can be created.  You are in an excellent energy to support you when you have somewhat tedious work to get accomplished.  The Page can give you focus, backbone and the wherewithal to stick with a task that is not necessarily glamorous or fun.  Don’t try to sidestep efforts, or you will fall on your face.  At work, there’s more work to be done than time to do it.  Don’t despair.  Just roll up your sleeves and get busy.  The Page points to financial rewards for good, old-fashioned hard work.  This is not a time to gamble or to be unrealistic.  Put an honest appraisal on the value of your skills and efforts.  If you aren’t being fairly compensated, now might be the time to make a change.  Invest, don’t spend.  Choose traditional, safe investments for now.  Spiritually, now would be a good time to examine what excites you.  What do you enjoy?  What interests you?  What would you like to explore?  Get off the beaten path and try new things.  Create your own energy and enthusiasm.

Tarot Contemplation – Death


Once again, we pass through another portal of Change.  Death doesn’t necessarily mean, or even usually indicates, physical death (that’s what the 3 of Swords is for …).  In fact, generally, it is considered irresponsible for readers to predict physical death, as we are creatures with free will and as such … things are not written in stone.  This card simply indicates transformation and change.  This is definitely a time of deep transformation, likely to be both inner and outwardly in your life.  Situations, things and people that you have counted on or gotten used to may no longer be available to you in quite the same way as they once were, and this transition can be difficult for some people.  The more accepting you can be of change of all sorts during this time, and the less you try to control, the better and the more comfortable this time will be for you.  Often, what you need to let go of is some sort of self-limiting belief or attitude.  Sometimes, we just can’t see how our attitudes are hurting us, and when that is true, this time period can be a wake-up call.  The energy of this time is not just change or destruction, it is change or destruction followed by renewal.  Even though one door may have closed, another is opening.  Will you have the courage to step through?  Cultivate a positive attitude.  Know that even if you are in the midst of a dark night of the soul that this too shall pass.  Remember our chant:  He loli oli, ke ‘alo a’e, he paio koho … Change is inevitable:  struggle is an option.  Allow yourself to feel what you feel, but don’t wallow in pain or sorrow.  If you need help, ask.  There is always someone near that cares about you … whether you realize it or not.

Tarot Contemplation – The Emperor


The Emperor shows us that domination of the mind over the heart is sometimes not wanted, but in some cases, it is necessary and even welcomed.  When hard choices must be made, it’s important to maintain your concentration and focus.  This is something this time period will make easy for you to do.  Enjoy the assertiveness and confidence that this self-control and focus brings.  Forge ahead and do what you know is best.  If you can master yourself, then you ought to experience lesser problems mastering the world and all the things in it.  A kind, older gentleman may cross your path … a work colleague, Dad or a father-type figure.  Perhaps he is interested in you romantically.  If not, don’t rule him out because of his age.  This man feels like he rules with an iron fist, which can be frustrating at times.  But, his intention is to help you see that rules have their place and their reasons.  You will benefit from this guidance now.  Above all else, this man teaches, even unknowingly, the benefits of structure and logic ruling over the emotions and lesser desires.  Be sure to take time out for yourself to honor your need for spiritual growth.  Allow your Right Brain (intution) to have input in greater measure, rather than your usual Left Brain activities (logic, reason, order) … which is counterintuitive to the Emperor and a skill that requires greater discipline to master.


“Do not fear, for I am with you…” ~ Isaiah 41:10
Do not fall to the rhythms of the ups and downs in life that keep us wanting and suffering, but rather cling to the ordinary awareness that is present in all states and moments. In that center are all things; let’s explore it together.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” ~ Rumi

Tarot Contemplation – Ace of Swords

GD TAROT_Ace Swords

Don’t be afraid to make a leap if it’s in your best interests.  Bravery is once again called for to make the next strides forward.  You know what has to be done … so go to it!  We’ve been at a similar juncture after we’ve had opportunities to contemplate what aspects of living make us happy … we continue to experience opportunities to rebalance and refocus on the relationships and situations that matter to each of us … and now, once again, we know what we want at this new level and its time to JUST DO IT.  The Universe is on your side … CARPE DIEM!

Tarot Contemplation – Two of Swords


The theme today is partnerships and balance.  Partnerships of all , actually, ought to be going quite well these days.  How committed are you to them?  How committed are they to you?  Is there balance and equality in these relationships?  Open communications, or opening communications, is key.  Spiritually, you are on a more balanced approach on your path.  If it’s working for you, stick with it even though your methodology might not be understood by others.